Last week you we at SG Shootfest, what is this for those who aren’t familiar?
SG stands for suicide girls, which is a company that embodies alternative takes on beauty. So everything that traditionally we're told makes us undesirable or not right, for the traditional modelling world, is encouraged and celebrated. And multiple times a year, in varying locations (we have models all over the world!) there are shootfests, where a group of SG models and photographers get together for a week or so, and do lots of wonderful shoots together. This year was my first (of hopefully many!) and I just had such an amazing time being surrounded by my SG family.
Straight after shootfest you were outside the HQ of Instagram protesting #sexworkiswork. Can you tell us a bit more about this cause?
Instagram have recently implemented new rules strictly governing and censoring women's bodies, which is unacceptable alone. But on top of this, sex workers (models, cam girls, dancers, etc) are being specifically targeted and penalised, having their accounts wrongfully deleted, and shadow banned, simply for existing. Even those posting content in line with the ridiculous new rules, are being unfairly attacked and silenced. We're fighting for our rights to exist and work, just like everyone else.
You deserve great support for protesting this cause, has there been any negative backlash though?
Unfortunately when you're a woman on the internet, backlash seems to be inevitable for merely breathing. I honestly ignore any negative comments because I know they come from a place of either hatred or ignorance, both of which I pity. I love who I am, I love what I do. And I love the family and community I have around me doing the same. My shields are too strong to be penetrated by negative energy.
What have you got planned for the rest of this year?
Ooh gosh, loads hopefully! I've got shoots lined up in Brighton and London over the next 2 weeks. I've got an audition for a musical in July, and then hopefully a couple more shootfests as well!
What’s your favourite piece of Pip & Pantalaimon Lingerie?
Oooh thats so difficult! Probably the plush biscotti set, I just love the colour and style.